Services of the Parliament of Navarre:
The Parliament of Navarre has the necessary personnel and material means at its disposal in order to carry out its functions, especially technical means, documentation and evaluation services.
The Chief Lawyer-Secretary General: Advises the President and other bodies of Parliament on juridical, technical and administrative matters, and organises the functioning of the different administrative services of the House.
The administrative structure of the House is distributed in the following services:
Juridical Services: Under the direction of the Chief Lawyer, the lawyers are responsible for the juridical and technical advice to the bodies of the House, drawing up reports, resolutions and minutes, and the representation and defence of Parliament before the jurisdictional organs and before the Constitutional Court.
General Services: Are entrusted with the management and control of procedural steps of parliamentary matters, management of personnel and of the goods and services of the House, and the support to and attendance to Parliamentary bodies.
Press, Publications and Protocol Service: This unit is responsible for informing the mass media of the activities of the bodies of the House and of their resolutions when sessions are held behind closed doors; it is responsible for the issue of official publications of Parliament, the Official Gazette and the Journal of Sessions; and it coordinates and organises activities appropriate to the official protocol of the institution. This service has been assigned with the organisation and functioning of the Basque translation unit, responsible for editing the Official Gazette in this language and carrying out the simultaneous translation into Basque of Parliamentarians’ interventions.
The Archive, Library and Documentation Service: The organisation and functioning of the Parliamentary Library as well as the Archive correspond to this service which also keeps an updated documentation system at the service of the parliamentarians, and of the administrative bodies and services of the House, a necessary aid for the preparation of the work and activities of the institution.
Economic Affairs and Intervention Service: Is responsible for the management and advice on economic-financial matters and for the intervention and accounting of all proceedings, documents and records from which rights and obligations of an economic character arise.